Meet Katrina

Even as a child, when spirituality meant the strict boundaries of dogmatic belief, I felt the call to the transcendent. Raised in an oppressive Catholic environment, I found myself cut off from my power in many ways.

In my early 20s, by then a self-proclaimed atheist, I experienced a profound awakening. Emerging from the NYC subway onto bustling Lexington Avenue, I was suddenly swept into a blissful state beyond the chaos of the city street. In that moment, I found myself deeply interconnected with all of Life. It was as if my heart had exploded, flooding my entire consciousness with love and compassion for every stranger around me. In that instant I glimpsed a full-spectrum picture of reality: I was them and they were me. There was a clear knowing about the interconnected nature of the cosmos and Love was everything.

Within moments, I dropped back into the limited confines of my mind. Yet the fullness of my experience defied the quantification of time. Unable to articulate it, and unsure with whom to share this experience with if I could, I kept this profound moment to myself for years. It took well over a decade for me to recognize this fleeting encounter as a brush with Divinity—what researchers term a mystical experience. It left me with an expanded awareness of the true nature of the cosmos, leaving me in quiet awe each time I would recall it for years to come. 

It was 2012 when I finally returned to school to pursue my Ph.D., studies in Transpersonal Psychology. Already working as a clinical social worker, I found that my academic journey—particularly the dissertation process of interviewing others about their own such experiences—provided the container I didn’t know I needed to begin to integrate and potentiate my own. 

My spiritual journey has been a long, strange trip, leading me to explore various pathways to non-ordinary states of consciousness and what they have to offer for our overall growth and development. From psychedelic medicine to deep meditation, yogic practices, ecstatic dance, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and chanting, I've discovered there are multiple doors of perception with something new always waiting just beyond them. My ongoing explorations continue to inform both my personal practice and professional work.

It's here that I wish to meet you, to welcome you into a greater understanding of yourself and your own path of Divine truth and service. Because, despite the unique paths we are each called to walk, we are not meant to do it alone. I invite you to join me in co-creating a culture that normalizes the transcendent, allowing us to follow our curiosity and come into our fullest expression. As we teeter on the tipping point of societal transformation, I am committed to supporting you on your path of spiritual emergence so that you may in turn offer your own gifts most fully. It is in this way that we move toward collective evolution.

Stay Curious…

For as long as I can remember, I've been a seeker.

Where I’ve Been…


Master's in Social Work
from Stony Brook University, with an emphasis on spiritual development within higher education.

Ph.D. in Psychology
from The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology at Sofia University, culminating in a dissertation on Exploring Resistance to Spiritual Emergence.



at Columbia University School of Social Work, NYU Department of Applied Psychology, Fordham University School of Social Services, and The Institute for the Development of Human Arts.


with Challenging Psychedelic Experiences and The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium (EPRC) to elucidate the phenomenology of challenging psychedelic states and support the creation and practical application of integration techniques.

“Without the spiritual component, the artist works with a crucial disadvantage. The spiritual world provides a sense of wonder and a degree of open-mindedness not always found within the confines of science. The world of reason can be narrow and filled with dead ends, while a spiritual viewpoint is limitless and invites fantastic possibilities. The unseen world is boundless.” 

― Rick Rubin